Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Helping guitar players become better

John Mizarolli a UK guitarist who claims to have taught in access of over 27,000 students, in addition to that he has been playing the guitar for over 45 years.

If you like the guitar and you would like to play it them Mizarolli can help you. Its no secret there is no end to teachers all over the world the question is how many of them actually deliver what they say they can? If you admire the skills within the area of Improvisation then you need a teacher who can not only do this himself but is able to teach you what he knows. After almost 5 decades teaching I think John is a good source for guitarist on-all levels

I’ve known musicians attending classes for many years yet when you hear them play you would think they’ve only been playing guitar for a short while and the reason is simple, they never progress. A good teacher should be able to identify your lack of progression and give you some exercises to rectify this problem. Sadly in every single type of money making jobs many people are completely uncaring towards you and the only thing the care about is getting your money quick.

One sure thing if you like the guitar you can always test if it’s for you by booking a lesson a good school such as at private guitar lessons

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